EnigmA Amiga Run 1997 February
EnigmA AMIGA RUN 15 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-02][PLANET CD V].iso
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C/C++ Source or Header
455 lines
Citadel Message procesing routines
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "ctdl.h"
extern CONFIG cfg; /* Lots an lots of variables */
extern logBuffer logBuf; /* Person buffer */
struct variables
char *ourname; /* name of the variable */
char type; /* type of variable */
UNS_16 *where; /* offset into codeBuf */
char *addr; /* char data pointer */
void (*func1)(char *);
char *(*func2)(void);
long (*func3)(void);
long id;
} object;
#define CHAR_PTR 0 /* item is a character string pointer */
#define CFGB_PTR 1 /* item is offset into codeBuf */
#define FUNC1_PT 2 /* Function: void (func1 *)(char *target) */
#define FUNC2_PT 3 /* Function: char *(func2 *)(void) */
#define FUNC3_PT 4 /* Function: long (func3 *)(void) */
#define IARG1_PT 5 /* Argument # 1 Integer */
#define SARG1_PT 6 /* Argument # 1 String ptr */
#define IARG2_PT 7 /* Argument # 2 Integer */
#define SARG2_PT 8 /* Argument # 2 String ptr */
#define IARG3_PT 9 /* Argument # 3 Integer */
#define SARG3_PT 10 /* Argument # 3 String ptr */
#define NEW_LINE 11 /* special: add a new line and space*/
#define INT_PTR 12 /* integer data item */
#define SPACE_CH 13 /* special: add a space */
#define BACK_SPC 14 /* special: add a ^H character to the messge */
extern char *SysVers;
extern char *VERSION;
extern char lastuser[];
#define MAXVARS (29)
static long message_sector_value(void);
struct variables variable[MAXVARS] =
{ "variant", CHAR_PTR, (unsigned short *)&VARIANT_NAME },
{ "version", CHAR_PTR, (unsigned short *)&VERSION_NAME },
{ "sysvers", CHAR_PTR, (unsigned short *)&SYSDEP_NAME },
{ "baseroom", CFGB_PTR, (unsigned short *)&cfg.bRoom },
{ "sysop", CHAR_PTR, (unsigned short *)&cfg.SysopName }, /* 5 */
{ "nodetitle", CFGB_PTR, &cfg.nodeTitle },
{ "nodename", CFGB_PTR, &cfg.nodeName },
{ "nodedomain", CFGB_PTR, &cfg.nodeDomain },
{ "nodeid", CFGB_PTR, &cfg.nodeId },
{ "mainfloor", CFGB_PTR, &cfg.MainFloor }, /*10*/
{ "curruser", CHAR_PTR, (unsigned short *)&logBuf.lbname },
{ "ulprotocols", FUNC1_PT, (unsigned short *)UpProtsEnglish },
{ "dlprotocols", FUNC1_PT, (unsigned short *)DownProtsEnglish },
{ "doorlist", FUNC1_PT, (unsigned short *)DoorHelpListing },
{ "lastuser", CHAR_PTR, (unsigned short *)&lastuser },/*15*/
{ "privileges", FUNC2_PT, (unsigned short *)Display_Privledges},
{ "callcount", FUNC3_PT, (unsigned short *)Get_Call_Count },
{ "ia1", IARG1_PT, (unsigned short *) 1 },
{ "sa1", SARG1_PT, (unsigned short *) 1 },
{ "ia2", IARG2_PT, (unsigned short *) 2 }, /*20*/
{ "sa2", SARG2_PT, (unsigned short *) 2 },
{ "ia3", IARG3_PT, (unsigned short *) 3 },
{ "sa3", SARG3_PT, (unsigned short *) 3 },
{ "currtime", FUNC2_PT, (unsigned short *)Current_Time },
{ "currdate", FUNC2_PT, (unsigned short *)formDate }, /*25*/
{ "messages", FUNC3_PT, (unsigned short *)message_sector_value },
{ "s", SPACE_CH, NULL },
{ "b", BACK_SPC, NULL },
{ "n", NEW_LINE, NULL }
{ "lastcall" CHAR_PTR,(unsigned short *) NULL },
{ "events" CHAR_PTR(unsigned short *) NULL },
{ "rooms" CHAR_PTR(unsigned short *) NULL },
{ "roomsused" CHAR_PTR(unsigned short *) NULL },
{ "lastmessage" CHAR_PTR(unsigned short *) NULL },
{ "logs" CHAR_PTR(unsigned short *) NULL },
{ "logsused" CHAR_PTR(unsigned short *) NULL },
{ "lenmessage" CHAR_PTR(unsigned short *) NULL },
struct Cit_Msg
struct Cit_Msg *link;/* link to common hashed messages */
char MsgId[9]; /* Message Identifier */
char MsgText[72]; /* Message Text */
#define MAX_MSGS ( 523 ) /* good sized prime number */
static struct Cit_Msg *Message_Table[MAX_MSGS]; /* dynamic message table */
The message file is made up of a count of the messages
plus one line per message. Each message is made up of a
message ID(8 characters), plus the actual text(71 characters or less).
static long message_sector_value()
return (long)cfg.maxMSector;
static int Load_Items(FILE *fp);
static int Hashed_Msg(char *text);
void Load_Citadel_Messages(void);
static int Hashed_Msg(char *text)
int result;
int cnt;
for( result=0, cnt=0; text[cnt] != '\0'; cnt++)
result = ( result << 1 ) + toupper(text[cnt]);
result %= MAX_MSGS;
return result;
static int Load_Items(FILE *fp)
int cnt;
char *p;
char Text[200]; /* Message Text */
struct Cit_Msg *ptr; /* hashed Entry Value */
struct Cit_Msg *tptr; /* hashed Entry Value for duplicate check */
Get the ID, hash it, then add it to the table
File format:
# comment lines are ignored, and start with "#"
1 8 10 79
while( fgets(Text,sizeof(Text),fp) )
if( strlen(Text) > 79 )
printf("WARNING: CIT_MESSAGE.SYS text line too long, Truncated:\n%s\n",Text);
Text[79] = '\0';
if( Text[0] == '#' )continue; /* skip comment characters */
if( (p=strchr(Text,'\n')) != NULL)*p = '\0'; /* get rid of newline */
Text[8] = '\0';
ptr = calloc(1,sizeof(struct Cit_Msg)); /* get an element */
if( ptr == NULL)return 2; /* No memory available */
strcpy(ptr->MsgId, &Text[0]);
strcpy(ptr->MsgText, &Text[9]); /* build entry */
cnt = Hashed_Msg(&Text[0]);
tptr = Message_Table[cnt];
Look up the message to be sure we don't have a duplicate
while( tptr != NULL )
if( stricmp(tptr->MsgId, ptr->MsgId) == 0 )break;
tptr = tptr->link;
if( tptr != NULL )
printf("Error: Duplicate Message Code(%s) in Cit_Message.Sys\n",Text);
ptr->link = Message_Table[cnt];
Message_Table[cnt] = ptr;
return 0;
#define MAX_LINE (120)
extern MessageBuffer msgBuf;
static void Fix_Line(char *line, char *buffer, long arg1, long arg2, long arg3);
static void Fix_Line(char *line, char *buffer, long arg1, long arg2, long arg3)
struct variables *vptr;
char *ptr;
char *tmp;
long inttmp;
int index = strlen(buffer);
while( *line != '\0' )
if( *line == '^' )
int i;
ptr = ++line;
buffer[index] = '\0';
for( i=0; i < MAXVARS; i++)
vptr = &variable[i];
if( strncmp(vptr->ourname, ptr, strlen(vptr->ourname)) == 0)
switch (vptr->type)
case BACK_SPC: /* insert a backspace character in message */
buffer[index] = '\b';
case NEW_LINE: /* put in a newline and space */
strcat(buffer,"\n ");
case SPACE_CH: /* insert a space */
strcat(buffer," ");
case CHAR_PTR: /* char pointer, direct access */
case CFGB_PTR: /* make a char pointer, then direct access */
case FUNC1_PT: /* call the function, direct to buffer */
case FUNC2_PT: /* call the function, direct access */
tmp = (vptr->object.func2)();
strcat(buffer, tmp );
case FUNC3_PT: /* call the function, convert number into buffer */
inttmp = (vptr->object.func3)();
sprintf(lbyte(buffer),"%ld", inttmp );
case INT_PTR: /* integer argument */
sprintf(lbyte(buffer), "%ld, *vptr->object.addr");
case IARG1_PT: /* argument in call */
case SARG1_PT: /* argument is */
if( arg1 != NULL )sprintf(lbyte(buffer),"%s",arg1);
case IARG2_PT: /* argument in call */
case SARG2_PT: /* argument is */
if( arg1 != NULL )sprintf(lbyte(buffer),"%s",arg2);
case IARG3_PT: /* argument in call */
case SARG3_PT: /* argument is */
if( arg1 != NULL )sprintf(lbyte(buffer),"%s",arg3);
line += strlen(vptr->ourname);
index = strlen(buffer);
if( i == MAXVARS )buffer[index++] = *line++;
else buffer[index++] = *line++;
buffer[index] = '\0';
static struct Cit_Msg *Look_Up(char *code);
static struct Cit_Msg *Look_Up(char *code)
struct Cit_Msg *ptr;
ptr = Message_Table[Hashed_Msg(code)];
if( ptr == NULL )return NULL;
while( ptr != NULL )
if( stricmp(ptr->MsgId, code) == 0)return ptr;
ptr = ptr->link;
return NULL;
char *msgbuffer=NULL; /* Initialized from available memory */
void Output_Citadel_Message(char *pcode,long arg1, long arg2, long arg3)
char code[9];
FILE *op;
char line[MAX_LINE];
struct Cit_Msg *ptr;
translate the code into a message
if( msgbuffer == NULL ) msgbuffer = GetDynamic(MAXTEXT);
code[6] = '\0';
strcat(code,expert ? "EX" : "NO");
code[8] = '\0';
ptr = Look_Up(code); /* find the code or return NULL */
if( ptr == NULL && expert )
code[6] = 'N';
code[7] = 'O';
ptr = Look_Up(code);
if( ptr == NULL )
mPrintf("\n ***Error Code %s\n",code);
if( ptr->MsgText[0] == '@')
if( (op=fopen(&ptr->MsgText[1],"r")) == NULL )
mPrintf("\n *** Error Code %s, filename:%s not found\n",code,&ptr->MsgText[1]);
msgbuffer[0] = '\0';
while (fgets(line, MAX_LINE, op) )
char *p;
if( (p=strchr(line,'\n')) != NULL)*p = '\0'; /* get rid of newline */
Fix_Line(line,msgbuffer, arg1,arg2, arg3);
if( ( strlen(msgbuffer) + strlen(line) + 500 ) > MAXTEXT )
mPrintf("%s", msgbuffer);
msgbuffer[0] = '\0';
msgbuffer[0] = '\0';
Fix_Line(ptr->MsgText,msgbuffer, arg1, arg2, arg3);
if( strlen(msgbuffer) > 0 ) mPrintf("%s",msgbuffer);
void Load_Citadel_Messages()
int code; /* Error Code */
char temp[80]; /* input filename */
FILE *fp; /* input file pointer */
/* SpecialMessage("Message Initialization"); */
makeSysName(temp,"Cit_Messages.sys", &cfg.msgArea);
if( (fp=fopen(temp,/* READ_TEXT*/ "r")) != NULL )
memset(Message_Table,'\0',sizeof(struct Cit_Msg *) * MAX_MSGS );
code = Load_Items( fp );
else code = 1; /* file will not open */
if( code != 0 )
printf(" Filename:%s\n",temp);
printf(" Load Messages Error code %d\n",code);
extern int outPut;
extern char outFlag;
extern char Showing;
extern char ReverseMessage;
extern char pullMessage;
extern int thisRoom;
extern char journalMessage;
extern char MsgStreamEnter;
extern char echo; /* Output flag */
extern char echoChar;
extern char loggedIn; /* Logged in flag */
extern SListBase Moderators;
extern char pause_whichMess;
char Pause_Message_Check()
If this is a user, and the user has Pause at end of message
in their configuration, we will pause here asking for a character.
We will eat all input first(just incase of line noise).
A "S" will attempt to stop the message stream.
A "N" will attempt to skip to next message.
Basically, we duplicate MABORT() here...
char c, toReturn, oldEcho;
toReturn = FALSE;
if( outFlag == IMPERVIOUS || outFlag == NET_CALL
|| outPut == DISK )return toReturn;
if( loggedIn )
if( logBuf.lbflags.MSG_PAUSE
&& ( ( pause_whichMess != NEWoNLY
&& thisRoom == MAILROOM ) || thisRoom != MAILROOM) )
if( aide ||
( strCmpU(logBuf.lbname, AskForNSMap(&Moderators, thisRoom)) == SAMESTRING
&& strLen(logBuf.lbname) != 0 ))
Output_Citadel_Message("SYSPAU",NULL, NULL, NULL);
Output_Citadel_Message("MSGPAU",NULL, NULL, NULL);
oldEcho = echo;
echo = NEITHER;
echoChar= 0;
while (MIReady()) inp(); /* eat noise */
c = toUpper(modIn()); /* accept one character */
switch (c)
case 'D': /* delete the message if you have privileges */
if( Showing == MSGS &&
( aide ||
( strCmpU(logBuf.lbname, AskForNSMap(&Moderators, thisRoom)) == SAMESTRING
&& strLen(logBuf.lbname) != 0)))
pullMessage = TRUE;
toReturn = TRUE;
case 'S' : /* stop displaying messages */
outFlag = OUTSKIP;
toReturn = TRUE;
case 'J': /* Journal the Message */
if( Showing == MSGS &&
( aide ||
( strCmpU(logBuf.lbname, AskForNSMap(&Moderators, thisRoom)) == SAMESTRING
&& strLen(logBuf.lbname) != 0 ) ) )
journalMessage = TRUE;
toReturn = TRUE;
case 'E': /* Enter a Reply */
if( Showing == MSGS && HasWritePrivs())
MsgStreamEnter = TRUE;
outFlag = OUTSKIP;
toReturn = TRUE;
case 'R': /* Reverse the flow */
if( Showing == MSGS )
ReverseMessage = TRUE;
toReturn = TRUE;
echo = oldEcho;
else if( Showing == MSGS && thisRoom == MAILROOM && pause_whichMess == NEWoNLY)toReturn = TRUE;
return toReturn;